"The stars may fall, but God's promises will stand and be fulfilled."
- J.I Packer

Thursday, April 30, 2015

Pregnant Man

Male Thomas Beatie got pregnant with his daughter and gave birth on June 29, 2008 in the Oregon hospital. Beatie and his daughter are healthy and doing very well.

"Beatie, who took twice- weekly doses of testosterone and has his great surgically removed during his female-to-male transition," says PEOPLE magazine.

Thirty four year old Beatie was born a female but then switched his gender identity legally to male. He removed her breasts but he kept her reproductive organs, meaning Beatie could still conceive. The first time Beatie conceived after changing to a male was during his marriage with Nancy. They are now divorced and Beatie is with his new girlfriend Amber Nicholas.

"Being pregnant was the most incredible experience, but we want Amber to do it this time around," said Beatie.

He already has three children but he wants a fourth child with Amber. He would really like for Amber to be the one to get pregnant but if in any given case she can't conceive he would graciously step in. After all Amber already has two children from her previous marriage. Beatie wants to experience pregnancy as the father this time, and there's a possibility of them both getting pregnant at the same time. Though his doctor has recommended for him to not get pregnant again .

"My surgeon has advised against me getting pregnant because it would be a lot harder now I'm biologically a man,"said Beatie.

Some time after he gave birth to his daughter Susan in 2008 he decided to surgically changed his female part for a male organ in order to feel more like a man and to enhance his sexual life. Meanwhile he still has his female reproductive organs, but it would be more complicated to have a child. If he were to get pregnant he would have to have a caesarian, Beatie says he would do it just to have another bundle of joy.

"In a technical sense I see myself as my own surrogate, though my gender identity is make constant," said Beatie.

Links to the story: http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20210491,00.html and http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/04/thomas-beatie-pregnant-man-fourth-child_n_1855318.html

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