"The stars may fall, but God's promises will stand and be fulfilled."
- J.I Packer

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Single Mom Fired For Facebook Post

Kaitlyn Walls a single mom from Texas got fired from her job before starting her first day at a daycare center due to a post she put on her Facebook page.

"I start my new job today....but I absolutely hate working at daycare [...] Lol it's all good, I just hate being around a lot of kids," said Walls.

At the time that Walls shared this post her profile was public meaning that anyone could see it (she has now changed her profile to private). Soon her post got attention and many began criticize her page, the drama intensified when her post was shared by Facebook yard sale group whom has thousands of followers.

"I actually cried," said Walls. "It really hurt because I wasn't trying ti offend anyone ever."

Many girl began attacking her because of what she wrote about no wanting to be around a lot of kids all the time which saddened Walls. Soon her employers heard about her now famous post on Facebook and informed her she didn't need to show up for work.

"It really was a big mistake," said Walls. " I don't hate children... I have my own, she's beautiful and I love her. I was just venting."

Walls case just comes as a reminder that we should be careful about what we post in social media: it can't be counted against us. This is the only case where someone has been fired for something they've posted in social media and most likely it won't be the last.

Link: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/05/05/daycare-worker-fired-facebook-kaitlyn-walls_n_7210122.html


  1. People who hate kids shouldn't have kids because they wouldn't know how to stay positive and for her saying she hates kids she should be ashamed of herself. She's working at a daycare, of course she's going to be surrounded by kids. So she should have just work somewhere else if she hates kids that much that she has to post about it.

  2. I don't see why she would post such a thing, that is offensive to some people and I don't think it's correct even if she didn't mean it. She should have kept her thought to herself not post it and the fact that her profile was open to the world that was the biggest mistake. Why was she even gonna work in a place were she didn't want to? that's sad.

    1. I'm guessing that she was going to work there out the need of a job, though she said that she has a daughter of her own. Meaning that it's not really hat she hates kids just that she didn't want to be around so many.

  3. People really shouldn't post their personal feelings and opinions on Facebook as anyone could it see it and it could have unwanted effects on that person's life. If this woman really didn't like kids, then she should've kept that feeling to herself instead of announcing it to the entire world.

    1. Unfortunately people never learn that we shouldn't put everything on social media, what goes around comes around. By her carelessness she oat her job and got publicly embarrassed by all the attention her post got.

  4. I don't think the mom should have been fired but I also don't agree with her actions. I do understand how such a statement can raise eyebrows at the company but perhaps just not fired but the company should have considered her again.

    1. In a way I can see why they fired her: it would be bad for the daycare's image to keep after what she wrote and I'm also going to take a guess that the parents at the daycare wouldn't want her working there either. But like you said maybe they should have considered more and talked to her personally to see why she did it and get to the root of the problem.

  5. I think we can all learn something from this. In my english class we were talking exactly about this kinds of things like posting on social media can enable you from getting a job. Especially teenager that have social media at a young age talking about 12 years old and older is a big problem that teenager face when trying to get a job and them posting.
