"The stars may fall, but God's promises will stand and be fulfilled."
- J.I Packer

Thursday, May 21, 2015

McDonald's workers protests for a higher wage

McDonald's workers have been fighting for a wage raise for approximately two years: last year more than 100 workers were arrested at a McDonald's annual shareholder meeting. Now this workers are stepping up their game by recruiting more cooks and cashier to join the peaceful protests that are taking place. Their demand is to get paid $15 dollars considering that the minimum wage is about $7, they have already gathered 5,000 cooks and cashiers.

It's a vital subject to be concerned about and to be aware off since as students most of us are working part time (some even full time) in fast food restaurants. This could change the way wages are handled in fast food restaurants meaning that it will not only affect the workers ( in a positive way) and the consumers ( maybe not so positive since prices might have to go up...).

Personally, it would be a step forward to pay McDonald's workers $15 dollars after all McDonald's is a 24 hour restaurant meaning there's usually plenty of customers. With such big corporation that has thousands and thousands of restaurants all per the world, in almost every corner of each street it's everything but fair.

Link : http://money.cnn.com/2015/05/21/news/mcdonalds-fast-food-protest/index.html

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