On a more serious note I would like to discuss about teenage pregnancy and how politics pretty much leaves teenagers on their own. I read an article on how here in America most teenagers are sexually active more than any other places, Europe coming into a close second. See the thing isn't wether is wrong or right thatyoung people should be having sex at such young age, is about the unplanned pregnancy that occurred due the lack of knowledge. When surveyed most girls said that they didn't think they could get pregnant, as for young men they said that they thought they could prevent pregnancy by having intercourse standing up, not to mention that many think that "pulling out" is also a safe choice.
Another issue found in young unplanned pregnancies: many come outside of marriage. Yes there's a lot of opinions about marriage: some don't believe in marriage instead believe in living together in civil union, meaning living and doing things as a married couple except without the court paper and the church ceremony. Others believe that there's no problem if they have sexual intercourse before marriage either with their current partner or their fiancé, or a girlfriend that they plan on marrying. And there are those that don't believe in sex before marriage.
Honestly I don't believe in sex before marriage for the exact same thing: if you happen to fall pregnant by "accident" it'll be okay. Your more secure, you've learned to mature more, become more responsible, and more importantly you know that your husband won't leave you because he's scared. He's also more mature and responsible, which means that you already have a more stable lifestyle as if you weren't married.
According to C.D.C condoms are 82% effective in preventing pregnancy but after relying only on condoms for four years, theres a possibility of becoming pregnant at least once. That's where the preposition of the LARCs comes in. LARCs or IUDs are implants placed inside the girls uterus that remains in place that strops conception to happen, it lasts up to 5 years, it's effectiveness in negligible. When offered free LARC implaments to sexually active teenagers, teenage pregnancy and abortion rates fell highly. Not to mention theres also a similar implement for guys as well.
Unfortunately our government doesn't invest very much in sexual classes for teens to learn about their sexually, preventions, etc nor do they invest to have preconceptions. Medicaid pays up to $12,000 for a birth yet they only invest $8 dollars on teenage programs to avoid pregnancy.
Either young people should be having sex or not, our government should be investing more on programs for teenage pregnancy prevention.
What's your opinion about this?
[In case you want to read the article]: http://www.nytimes.com/2014/11/13/opinion/nicholas-kristof-politicians-teens-and-birth-control.html?ref=topics&_r=0
[More information on LARCs]: http://www.acog.org/Patients/FAQs/Long-Acting-Reversible-Contraception-LARC-IUD-and-Implant
I honestly don't believe in sex before marriage. I believe that teenagers should at least wait until they finish school. Boys as well as girls we should talk to an adult or doctor before having sex. I hate to see young girls pregnant because they give up on there education once pregnant. We should be more considerate on the effects that having a baby at a young age can have and affect our life.
ReplyDeleteNow that you brought that up, it's actually very true. Having a child is a huge responsibility which is why it concerns some experts (and even me) that many teens do have sex before marriage, meaning their not yet fully prepared for the responsibilities of being mothers/fathers nor did they plan on it. But every decision that we make either good or bad has it's consequences.