"The stars may fall, but God's promises will stand and be fulfilled."
- J.I Packer

Friday, March 27, 2015

150 People die in Germanwings Airplane: Lubitz

On Tuesday a airplane with 150 people crashed over France killing the majority of the passengers and the pilots. Investigators have found out that the co-pilot Andreas Lubitz locked out the pilot that had walked out for a while, and that's when the plane crashed. It seems like there's no apparent reason to think that it was a suicide nor religious related. It's been found that Lubitz was sick but he hadn't told his employer of his condition, on Monday the doctor gave him an excuse to miss work for the next day which of course he didn't miss. From the finding it seems like Lubitz was to undergo an everyday check up, for he might have been physically and mentally sick.

I do think it's important for us all to know this news to know what is going on around us but also to know the "why" this sort of accidents happen. The dead of over 100 people could have been prevented if Lubitz hadn't gone to work and told his employer about his health condition. Many families are mourning the death of they're lost one all for what? For the action taken by a proud person that didn't want to admit that they weren't okay to do they're job. Maybe he would have gotten help, though nowadays is hard for people to open up about they're problems while being eembarrassed about others opinion. Or even to just maintain an imagine of a person that has they're life together.This serves us as a life lesson too, we must learn to not let our ego, our proudness to hurt other people around us. And that's why I chose this current event to make aware of this.

The article I chose is in Spanish since it has the details about Lubitz' health conditions but here are some links in English so you can understand what is going on with the case so far.


English: http://www.nytimes.com/2015/03/25/world/europe/germanwings-crash.html?_r=0

1 comment:

  1. I think that this comes down to the way we, as people, deal with mental issues. It's a problem, yes, but it's really hard for people to open up and come out when they think they have a problem because they fear the judgement that comes along with it. I'm not saying that this guy should be excused and is innocent, but I do see why things like this happen.
