"The stars may fall, but God's promises will stand and be fulfilled."
- J.I Packer

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Rape Isn't Cool

Rape can be a traumatizing experiencing that no one, women or men alike, should go through. It can be damaging emotionally and even physically, it can even lead to suicide and murder. 

Majority of the people that hear the word "rape" often think automatically that only women go through this, that only strangers do this to people. Well the reality is that even the masculine figure goes through this cruel abuse unfortunately.

Sadly there's people that are abused by people they loved, someone that they thought loved them. Instead they come to find out that this beloved person forces them into a traumatizing situation that lasts a lifetime. A husband or boyfriend can rape someone technically, if sex or any sexual contact is unwanted it is already considered raped. 

As I watched this movie I was greatly touched, it was a unique experience. Two years ago I read the book for the very first time, the title itself already called my attention "Speak". Meanwhile I read I was transferred into a painful journey, I grieved while I read yet I was captivated by the journey of this young girl. Now as I watched the movie I experienced de'ja voo. 

I'll admit that at the end while she walked away from Evans all scratched up with fresh wounds on her face, my eyes watered. She had the courage to speak up about her rape occurrence, and because of that she was able to achieve inner freedom.

Nowadays many women, men and children are going through the same scenario. The scars left behind are too deep to heal, many aren't able to cope with it at all that it makes them act to the extremes. Others are better at running away from what actually happened, while a minority are actually able to heal and start a fresh life. 

I'm against rape, I believe in a cure for rape victims as well.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Respect On Girls These Days

In the United States only about 17.7 million women have been victims of attempted rape or completed rape. One out of six American women have been attempted or actually raped in her life time, 14.8% completed rape and 2.8% attempted rape. 

What I'm about to talk bring forth is a very controversial topic, many people have different points of view. The excuse that men put for raping a woman: they provoke them with the way they dress.

Actually the fault is both the guys and the girls. Yes this is probably a very surprising answer, it might come off as an ironic answer even.

Something that we woman have to understand is that men are visual creatures, what they're eyes see they seek. If you show them cleavage they'll seek the full view that goes down that road of cleavage. 

It's disturbing to think or know I should say that men actually undress women just with their eyes. They don't need much to get they're imagination going, after all they're sex-driven beings. 

Now, girls just by knowing that we should know better than to give them further reason to imagine us with the in our lingerie. If a women decently dressed still has that affect on men, a half-naked girl that is showing more than she should will trigger a more powerful action. 

I believe that we can prevent more rapes if we as women begin to choose more carefully what we clothe ourselves with, considering the presence of men all around us. Of course to our misfortune there will always be rapes, but we can help by not giving anyone the reason to continue.

Monday, October 6, 2014


What would you say if you received this letter?

Dear Friend,
Today I’d like to speak about a common thing going on in the world right now; sexual orientation. In the world of religion and the ethic world war has broken down and it’s come to my attention that there’s a misunderstanding in the point of view that would come from me and those in that are in the same faith as me. Take into consideration that I’m not a religious person, I don’t believe in such thing, but what I do believe however is in a living God that is unseen. People can be divided into several groups: those who support the lesbians, gays,
bisexuals and transsexuals. Then there’s those that hate them, some can’t see, touch or speak to anyone with this sexuality for they can’t stand them. On the other group exits the ones that are neutral, they really don’t care if your gay or not they just live their own life. Among the religious groups there’s those that condemn people whom have assumed their sexuality as such to hell, they have a complicated love-hate relationship. They want to “save” them by helping them yet their malicious acts/words show a whole different story. Then there’s me. See, I don’t agree with the actions of these people, but I’m not against the person committing the act. I won’t reject a person for their sexuality but it doesn’t mean that I’ll accept what they do. Its war my friend, gay rights are being accepted worldwide and it’s not going to stop there. Things will keep getting worse: murders, bullying, etc. will build up. I’m afraid that all I can do is my part, such as pray and stand by to make a difference. I’m hoping that you’ll join me in my prayers for this world as it’s becoming more and more evil each day. Thank you for your undivided attention, may you be abundantly blessed.

An Anonymous Friend