Is one of those days that even looking at the mirror makes you irritated, taking a selfie is even out of the question. You go on ahead and say," I look ugly."
The only cliche is that this is an every day thing, is no casulalty that you seem so depressed. The days drag by in a blur, there's nothing to look forward.
Which brings us to an outbreak going on with girls and women alike nowadays: low self-steem. An estimated of 80% of 10 years old have low self-steem. By the time they get to middle school about 40-70% of these girls have gained Bulima. Statistics show that a girl by the age of 10 will already be diagnosed with low self-steem.

As a child I was very skinny, acording to my mother I never wanted to eat I refused every food she would offer me. All that changed ounce we arrived to my new homeland; the USA, more specifically Texas. Soon after our arrival I egan eating the fatty food such as pizza, hamburgers, you name it. Of course the consequences was that I got chubby. With big cheeks. That's when I started suffering with depression, insecurities and self-dislike. With that being said I grew up with that, it didn't change until two years ago.
I set myself free from all the negativity in my mind, and began living my new life. Evr since I'm a appy camper! :D I love myself, I love getting dressed and being creative with y outfits (I used to hate this), and so much more! So much that I love taking selfies all the time haha!
No girl deserves to ever feel that way, I got help, maybe you or someone else wants help. Contact me through email if you'd like to talk :)