"The stars may fall, but God's promises will stand and be fulfilled."
- J.I Packer

Monday, November 24, 2014


Is one of those days that even looking at the mirror makes you irritated, taking a selfie is even out of the question. You go on ahead and say," I look ugly."

The only cliche is that this is an every day thing, is no casulalty that you seem so depressed. The days drag by in a blur, there's nothing to look forward.

Which brings us to an outbreak going on with girls and women alike nowadays: low self-steem. An estimated of 80% of 10 years old have low self-steem. By the time they get to middle school about  40-70% of these girls have gained Bulima. Statistics show that a girl by the age of 10 will already be diagnosed with low self-steem.

I remember quite clearly that all my life I had low self-steem, making me insecure and anti-social. It was quite hard for me to even present a project to my class, I'd stutter, blush hard-core, until I would furiously say what I needed to say then desperately go back to my seat.

As a child I was very skinny, acording to my mother I never wanted to eat I refused every food she would offer me. All that changed ounce we arrived to my new homeland; the USA, more specifically Texas. Soon after our arrival I egan eating the fatty food such as pizza, hamburgers, you name it. Of course the consequences was that I got chubby. With big cheeks. That's when I started suffering with depression, insecurities and self-dislike. With that being said I grew up with that, it didn't change until two years ago.

I set myself free from all the negativity in my mind, and began living my new life. Evr since I'm a appy camper! :D I love myself, I love getting dressed and being creative with y outfits (I used to hate this), and so much more! So much that I love taking selfies all the time haha!

No girl deserves to ever feel that way, I got help, maybe you or someone else wants help. Contact me through email if you'd like to talk :)

Unexpected News

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 3:16

Today I start off this post with this verse that serves not only for comfort for the death of a loved one, but also a promise that God has given human kind. On Sunday I got news that my grandma in Mexico passed away on Saturday after having suffered paralysis from the waist down and having been unable to walk. The first thing that I did of course was pray for her healing, doing purposes of faith, having the Pastor’s prayer, and so forth, until the day I got the news that she died I ceased praying. Why? There’s nothing left to do for someone who is dead, except to keep fighting for those that are alive so they can get to know God.  Perhaps I didn’t have the opportunity to talk much to my grandma, but what remains is my childhood memories spent at her house while I played around with my cousins, and the last conversation I had with her a few days before my birthday. I’ve never had such an experience like this one in which I lost a loved one, but I believe I remain stable and strong for God is my stronghold, my refuge, my comforter. I’m not in shock, depressed, nor in any way affected by this in a negative way, perhaps at the beginning as I said the words, “My grandma is dead”, I did cry but since then no tear has come out anymore. Now, it’s time to fight for the ones that remain alive, to keep moving forward in life, to appreciate and to always get closer to God. It’s only through God’s guidance that the rest of my family will be able to get through this.

In the faith,